Blackstone Chambers

Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand

Kim v Attorney-General

Court of Appeal 3 Judges
Kim v Attorney-General
Court of Appeal 3 Judges 
  • 11 June 2019
[2019] NZCA 209; [2019] 3 NZLR 173

Kim is granted bail after over five years In prison on remand.

Bail application successful.
“…I am satisfied that Mr Kim should be released on bail. The length of time he has been in custody favours bail despite the flight risk that previous courts have identified. There are factors that reduce his risk, particularly the terms on which bail is to be granted.”

“Mr Tony Ellis—a lawyer who … I deeply respect for his very strong, clear, and consistent commitment to … advancing the causes of human rights in this country.” Nandor Tanczos, Hansard, 2005



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